--------. MISC. tc.) PATH:. ---------------------------- --------. NAME. Description --------. ---------------------- 20BFILES.ZIP Crosstalk for Windows v2.0 maint rel for use w/rev b 3COM.ZIP 3Com NIC Drivers for Windows for Workgroups ACCBUG.TXT MicroSoft Access Anomolies ACCP.ZIP Windows Access Aids for Individuals with Disabilities ACC_SEC.TXT Additional Microsoft Access Security document AESOP12.ZIP Aesop's Fables in Windows .HLP File Format AMIMACR3.ZIP 30 Files of AmiPro Macros and style sheets AMIMCRS.ZIP More zipfiles of AmiPro Macros [820kb] AMISTUFF.ZIP Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks for Ami Pro! AMI_MCRO.ZIP Two AMI Pro Macros AVIATORW.ZIP Aviation calculator for pilots: conversion, fuel, etc. BATMEMES.ZIP BatMemes aid for Writers, Poets, and Creative Thinkers BBSTAT10.ZIP Baseball statistics manager BIBLE20A.ZIP Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version BIBLE20B.ZIP Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version BIBLE20C.ZIP Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version BIBLE20D.ZIP Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version BIBLE20E.ZIP Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version BIBLE20F.ZIP Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version BIOGRAF.ZIP BioRythym Program for Windows BIOPLOT2.ZIP Biorhythm Plotting Program BIORYTHM.ZIP Biorhythm for Windows BREWHAHA.ZIP Track your homebrewing [455k] BW2_31_2.ZIP The Best of Windows Shareware List CARDFILE.ZIP Discussion of Cardfile format CBOOK110.ZIP version 1.10 of the Cookbook Manager for Windows CD4_755.ZIP Cardfile database of 755 fonts included with CorelDRAW4 CDRCHK.ZIP Displays fonts used in CorelDraw Files CDROM.INF Info on Getting CICA Windows files on CD-ROM CD_TBK.ZIP Toolbook File Example (?) CENTL091.ZIP Win app to teach and learn statistics and probability CFK.ZIP Cash For Kids 1.0T: Teach kids to save/spend wisely CHEMINFO.ZIP Cheminfo.hlp is a windows3.1 help file for Chemistry CICA2CQ.ZIP Convert CICA Index files into comma delim (BAS src) CICA2CSV.ZIP Convert CICA Index Files to comma-sep Version 2.2 CICA2SIM.ZIP Convert CICA Index files into SimTel format CISNOD10.ZIP Find a location when you enter a CIS node CLIP101.ZIP Look up CorelDraw! clip art by keyword CLIP_ART.ZIP MicroSoft Clip Art for Windows Write and Paint CLTX2I.ZIP Clinton Tax Worksheet for Improv CNEWS_1.ZIP Windows .HLP files of CompuNews Online CNEWS_2.ZIP Windows .HLP files of CompuNews Online CNEWS_3.ZIP Windows .HLP files of CompuNews Online CNVCICA1.ZIP Converts the CICA INDEX file to the IDX format CODERED.ZIP Code Red! is a cardiac arrest clinical simulation COLLEGIO.ZIP College Football Datebook Program for Windows COLOR1.ZIP ShareWare educational coloring program COLOR12.ZIP Audio/visual color educational tutor for kids COMBUS10.ZIP Windows Cardfile of Computer-related Businesses COMM56.ZIP replacement for the MS Windows serial port driver COMMDLG.ZIP New version of COMMDLG.DLL CONNEX.ZIP Win4WkGrps:drivers for a Connex 1000 EtherNet card CONSTANT.ZIP Windows Cardfile of Chemical/Physical Constants CORELFIX.ZIP PFBFix 1.1 fixes Adobe Type I fonts created by WFNBOSS CORRECT.ZIP Correct! is a multiple choice quiz program CRD2STN.ZIP Convert cardfile (.CRD) files to stickies (.STN) format CRDEXP.ZIP Convert cardfile (.CRD) to an ASCII delimited file CWASK.ZIP Preset working Dir for Premias CodeWright 4 for Win CYBERDRV.ZIP Replacement COMM.DRV for 3/486's with 16550 UARTs CYRIL114.ZIP Cyrillic Pedigree Drawing with Genetic Marker Handling DBCOIN.ZIP Coin Collection Management System for Windows DCFA1_0.ZIP Multiple document interface real estate analysis pkg DEMOREGR.ZIP Click&Learn Regression interactive learning tool [372k] DESIGN11.ZIP Design-a-Room:design by arrange walls, furn, fixtures DETECTOR.ZIP Learn how to determine if somebody is lying DEVILS10.ZIP The Devil's Dictionary in WinHelp format DIR10.ZIP Directory of Internet Resources 1.0 (.HLP) [1.2mb] DIVEMAST.ZIP DiveMaster 1.0 for Windows Diving Program [1.33mb] DIVLOG.ZIP Diver's Log Windows App DMDRVR.ZIP Windows/DMDRVR Discussion from Compu$erve DMONOUMB.ZIP Free more UMBs for DOSApps w/Qemm 5.1x DPMI_TXT.ZIP Version 0.9 of the DPMI specification DV2WIN.ZIP Deskview Help DVIWN281.ZIP TeX DVI Driver for Windows 3.x ECB.ZIP EasyCBase 2-D chemical dbase and structure drawing app EDIINS.ZIP Installation Utility for Custom Applications EMAG_V1.ZIP eMAG volume one 1994 for Excalibur BBS ESPDISK.ZIP Drivers for the Hayes Enh Serial Port Board ETC_130S.ZIP Adds more functionality to EtCetera 1.30 EXCAL071.ZIP Excalibur BBS Terminal program version 0.71a EXCALBRO.ZIP Excalibur BBS Preview in Windows .WRI format EXCALHLP.ZIP Help file for Excalibur BBS Terminal program EXTRACT.ZIP Extracts ASCII datafiles into comma delimited files FAQPRG03.ZIP FreqAskedQuestions: Windows Programmer (from Usenet) FAQWIN03.ZIP FreqAskedQuestions: Microsoft Windows (from Usenet) FASTDISK.ZIP FASTDISK drivers for WD Caviar drives [328k] FCC11.ZIP Fat & cholesterol counter, analyze your diet FCWIN140.ZIP Enter, view, and print flash cards FED2_1.ZIP Windows 3.1 Book, The Federalist Papers FILEMGR.TRK Tricks for FileManager FIREFUR.ZIP Fire and Fur: The Last Sorcerer Dragon book in .HLP fmt FLASHCRD.ZIP Create, view, and print flash cards FLASHS.ZIP Flash Cards for Windows: Study Aid/Memory Drill Tool FONTINFO.ZIP Using Type1 Fonts with WordPerfect FULL800.ZIP Drivers for Mouse Systems' 2- and 3-button mice FX113.ZIP Mitsumi FX series CD-ROM drivers, version 1.13 FXAR10.ZIP Fix Arrow Pointer When it Dissappears GARETH1C.ZIP Sir Gareth Statistical sware v1.0c for Excalibur BBS GC101.ZIP GoCIS: Win-based Compuserve session manager GCCHRG10.ZIP Calc CIS online time and charges from GoCIS log files GEP208A.ZIP General Purpose Simulator of Metabolic Pathways GMW202.ZIP Grocery, Menu and Food Shopping Organizer GRADEBK.ZIP Gradebook for Windows v3.04 GRAPHICN.ZIP Study parameterized functions in an interactive way GSRC208A.ZIP Source code of GEPASI 2.0, release 2.08a GWIZ23D.ZIP G-WiZ 0.23d Excalibur BBS Graphics Wizard Demo GWW12_01.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 01 of 12) GWW12_02.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 02 of 24) GWW12_03.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 03 of 24) GWW12_04.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 04 of 24) GWW12_05.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 05 of 24) GWW12_06.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 06 of 24) GWW12_07.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 07 of 24) GWW12_08.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 08 of 24) GWW12_09.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 09 of 24) GWW12_10.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 10 of 24) GWW12_11.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 11 of 24) GWW12_12.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 12 of 24) GWW12_13.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 13 of 24) GWW12_14.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 14 of 24) GWW12_15.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 15 of 24) GWW12_16.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 16 of 24) GWW12_17.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 17 of 24) GWW12_18.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 18 of 24) GWW12_19.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 19 of 24) GWW12_20.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 20 of 24) GWW12_21.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 21 of 24) GWW12_22.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 22 of 24) GWW12_23.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 23 of 24) GWW12_24.ZIP God's Word For Windows Ver 1.2 (part 24 of 24) HC505.ZIP Version 3.10.505 of the Microsoft Help Compiler HEBCL54.ZIP Hebrew Calendar for Windows, version 5.4 HELP30.ZIP Ami Pro macros to create RTFs to .HLP documents HELPINFO.ZIP Text file to help you w/the MS Windows Help Complier HEXMAP10.ZIP Print Out Hexagon-Grid Maps HEXVIEW3.ZIP Hexmap Editing Program HHELP10.ZIP DOS Util to display Windows .HLP files HIGHMEM.ZIP Notes on High Memory Usage with Windows HTMLASST.ZIP HTML Doc Writer Assistant (v1/9/94 Version Alpha .25) HTMLEDIT.ZIP Extensions to edit/create HTML hypertext docs for WWW IBMJOY.ZIP Microsoft Windows IBM Joystick Driver w/ctrl panel IDXMAN.ZIP IDXMAN, CICA Index Manager, ver. .01 beta [703k] ID_NA493.ZIP ID LOGIC Simulator for Windows for North America ID_SW493.ZIP ID LOGIC Simulator [534k] for Short Wave IKK12.ZIP International Keyboard Kit, use several langs at once IMEDIA1.ZIP infoMedia's National Software Review vol1 INCT100.ZIP Complete Personal Contact Manager for Windows INSTAL.ZIP Create Sample Win-based Graphical Installation Program INTERLAN.ZIP Racal-Interlan EtherNet Cards for Win4WkGrps INTL.ZIP DLL for Internationalizing Windows Programs IPWIN.ZIP InfoPop Internet Guide for Windows (.hlp) IQ11.ZIP Convert and import quotes into Quicken IQTEST.ZIP Thirty-Minute IQ Test Program for Windows IV26_W30.ZIP Interviews 2.6 port to Windows 3.0 (not for the queasy) IXFW.ZIP Interactive Cross Reference for Windows JRG2912W.ZIP Jargon file, version 2.9.12 (.hlp format) JVRBS1DE.ZIP Japanese Verbs reference and study program KYAW10.ZIP Program for studying aircraft systems and related items LANBUILD.ZIP LAN Installation Assistant LAND221A.ZIP Landscape Explorer for Windows - Version 2.2.1 LANT41.ZIP Drivers for Lantastic 4.1 and WfWg 3.11 LASSO001.ZIP Free downloader (Zmodem-send) for Excalibur BBS LEXTR1_1.ZIP Real estate: extracts land value from improved sales LISSAJOU.ZIP Windows Sample Demo with Source on Using SDK LLWIN103.ZIP MCI videodisc driver collection for Windows3.x LOGSTC11.ZIP Plot/Zoom into Bifurcation Diags of Logistic Equations LTMD.ZIP LogiTech Mouse Routines for Windows MAILLG10.ZIP PC-NFS Lifeline 2.0 Mail Notification Program MAPAFRI4.ZIP AD Screens of 5 Excalibur BBSes in Africa MAPS.ZIP 72 World Maps and AdScreens for Excalibur BBS MCADANGL.ZIP Mathcad: angular data from sexagesimal units to radians ME.ZIP Morning and Evening: Daily Readings [704k] METZCP.ZIP METZ Task Manager support under Cent Point PCTools4Win MIETAB42.ZIP Mie scattering program for Microsoft Windows 3.x MITSF112.ZIP Mitsumi CD ROM Drivers MMBACK.ZIP Multimedia Prsnl Computing: The Microsoft View (doc) MMTYPE1.ZIP MasterMind Typing Tutor (1 of 2) MMTYPE2.ZIP MasterMind Typing Tutor (2 of 2) MOONPO22.ZIP Computes az/el of sun and moon by date MOONTL04.ZIP Moon Tool (Phases of the Moon) MOUSE800.ZIP Mouse Systems Drivers 8.0 MQXDRV.ZIP Music Quest MultiMedia Drivers for Windows MR.ZIP For the curious: A .GIF of your CICA moderator MSBBSDOC.ZIP Microsoft BBS Index file MSBBSLST.ZIP Microsoft BBS Information MSCDEX.ZIP Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions MSCDEX21.ZIP Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions 2.1 Description MSDOSEXE.ZIP Microsoft MSDOS Executive MSLFILES.ZIP Search SLLIST.TXT at ftp.microsoft.com MSOFTFIX.ZIP Serial Port and Mouse Discussion MTGQL1_1.ZIP Mortgage Ratio Modeler MUDMAN12.ZIP MUD Man is a utility designed for mud players NAVCALC.ZIP Flight planning; Navigation calculator for pilots NDW.FAQ FAQ for Norton Desktop for Windows NETPRB10.ZIP Access data from Pathworks Datalink Driver NEWWORDS.ZIP Foreign Language Tutor NFLTPW11.ZIP OWL prog: track an office football pool NOBANNER.TXT How to Skip Win3 Opening Banner NOLOCCR.ZIP Nolo Press' California Legal Code Requester NOLOGO.ZIP Use Debug to Remove Opening Banner (see nobanner.txt) NORSK.ZIP Windows English-Norwegian,Norwegian-English Translator NOSHARE.ZIP Provides dummy SHARE functions (for Winword) NSCD12.ZIP Allows diabetics to calculate and monitor their diet NSCH22.ZIP NutriSoft: ControlHigh Blood Pressure version 2.2 NSDN33.ZIP NutriSoft: Diabetic Nutrition v3.3 [885k] NSHBPN32.ZIP NutriSoft: High Blood Pressure Nutrition v. 3.2 NSHP23.ZIP NutriSoft: Heart Perfect v. 2.3: reduce heart disease NSLYC32.ZIP NutriSoft: Lower Your Cholesterol v. 3.2 NSPREG21.ZIP NutriSoft: Pregnancy Nutrition version 2.1 NSRCR30.ZIP NutriSoft: Reduce Cancer Risk version 3.0 NSWP30.ZIP NutriSoft Weight Perfect 3.0: weight control program NTMDR11.ZIP NetMinder Internet network address database NTWN32.ZIP PS/TXT/RTF of "The Windows 32-bit API: An Overview" NU5WIN.ZIP Notes Using Norton Utilities Ver 5 with Windows NUGI.ZIP Users Guide to the Internet Windows Program NWUTILS.ZIP NewWave Technical Support Disk (1/23/92) O7ODBC.ZIP Oracle7 ODBC Driver Version (Level 1) [545k] OLE_101.ZIP Extensible Application Protocols: OLE Spec Docs (MS) OZW103A.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 1/13 OZW103B.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 2/13 OZW103C.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 3/13 OZW103D.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 4/13 OZW103E.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 5/13 OZW103F.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 6/13 OZW103G.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 7/13 OZW103H.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 8/13 OZW103I.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 9/13 OZW103J.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 10/13 OZW103K.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 11/13 OZW103L.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 12/13 OZW103M.ZIP Analysis / mapping of census/retail/GIS data 13/13 PACKY104.ZIP host-mode packet radio app for AEA PK232 or PK88 ctrlr PARWN306.ZIP Parents, genealogy database for your family tree PC_TCP.ZIP FTP SW PC-TCP network drivers for Win4Wrkgrps PDXCICA.ZIP Load cica INDEX file into Paradox; display; ver 1.1 PERTABLE.ZIP Periodic Table Editor design/print huge tables/posters PETRARKA.ZIP Petri Nets reachability and minimal structure analysis PHNLIST.ZIP Manager of employee phone extensions PKTWIN01.ZIP Packet TNC Controller for Windows (Ham Radio) PNR_7.ZIP Monthly magazine with PC news and reviews May94 PNR_7PIX.ZIP Monthly magazine with PC news and reviews w/pix May94 PORT32.ZIP PS/TXT/RTF of Paper on Preparing for 32-bit WIN SDK PRICE_10.ZIP WinPrice v1.0: select best pricing between two choices PRNVIEW.ZIP PRN Viewer V3 view info from Draw 3-5 prn files PRODATA.ZIP Observe Data from Acquisition Devices in Windows PROFILE.ZIP Personality Profile v1.0. 40 Questions to analyze you PROGMAN.ZIP Rename Program Groups PROQWK.ZIP Keep QWK packets from same source in dl dir at one time PROQWK12.ZIP ProComm +/Win QWK/REP management util PSYCHLIT.ZIP 24 Files of AmiPro Macros and style sheets PT202.ZIP Perodic table v2.02 - Elements/chemicals/atomic wt. PTS42.ZIP Understand the diversity and dynamics of personalities PWMAN10.ZIP DEC Pathworks App: maps disk and printer devices, etc. QDPMI.ZIP Quarterdeck Dos Protected Mode Interface (QEMM req) QEMM511F.ZIP Bug Fix for QEMM 5.11f High Mem Driver QEMMWIN.ZIP Quarterdeck Tech Talk on QEMM+Windows QMVER21A.ZIP Create; edit; merge and print quiz files from Windows QVT_SUGG.ZIP Suggestions (.txt/.wri) for QVTNet/WinQVT REVIEW.ZIP Reviewers Guide to Chicago Beta-1 (Word fmt) [1.03mb] RSISTN62.ZIP Fungicide Pathogen Simulation Program RTFGEN.ZIP Convert ASCII to RTF RTF_DESC.ZIP RichTextFormat Discussion RUNSTAT2.ZIP Utility for Runners [421k] RUNTRK11.ZIP RunTrak: running (as in jog) logbook program for RUSNTUTR.ZIP RussianTutor for Windows V1.0 SCSICDRM.ZIP SCSI CD-ROM driver for TOSHIBA CD-ROM 3xxxxx drives SCSIHLP.ZIP Anything you ever wanted to to know about SCSI (.hlp) SECRETA.ZIP Secret Easter Eggs in Windows Revealed! SENDER.ZIP Dialog input box for PageMaker 5.0 SFBETA.ZIP Shareware & Freeware Report-Beta Newsletter SGNMKR10.ZIP The Sign Maker program for Windows SHADOW.ZIP Photoshop-compatible filter Drop Shadow SIM_VW10.ZIP Search, browse, and view the Simtel file index SOFTCOP.ZIP Software metering system for Novell Netware Servers SPLINE10.ZIP DLL for creating/interpolating spline curves in 2D/3D STAFFS1.ZIP Staff Sargeant 1.0: Print Blank Music Sheets STARTUP2.ZIP How to Modify Win3 Opening Banner (Version 2) STATS.ZIP Baseball Stats Program STEALT.ZIP Diagnose/Cure Probs w/Stealth feat of QEMM-386, ver 6 STFIND.ZIP New York City Street Finder STRESW21.ZIP Force Yourself to take Breaks at the Computer SUNPO132.ZIP Calculate Sun's Azimuth/Elevation by Date SUPMK110.ZIP Super!Market v1.10 creates shopping list quickly SYNTAX.ZIP Convert WP Docs into Windows Hypertext-like Help Files TEX2RTF.ZIP Converts LaTeX to linear or Windows Help RTF, and HTML THEOHELP.ZIP Theosophy Beliefs via Windows .HLP file format TMWINPIF.ZIP How to Run TeleMate under Windows TOQCKN11.ZIP Cnvrt files of dl'ed stock/mut funds into Quicken TSD20.ZIP The Student Directory: Student/Teacher Database TSFR9401.ZIP The Shareware/Freeware Report '94 - #1 TSFR9402.ZIP The Shareware/Freeware Report '94 - #2 TSFRBAK.ZIP The Shareware/Freeware Report (Aug '93 & Nov/Dec '93) TSFRV1N1.ZIP The Shareware/Freeware Report: Nov/Dec 1993 (.HLP) TTTWIN.ZIP Touch Type Tutor for Windows TWAIN103.ZIP Epson Scanner Utility [300k] TXT2RTF.ZIP TXT2RTF - Text to Rich Text Converter Version 1.0 UCOOK10.ZIP USENET Cookbook in Windows Help format (500+ recipes) ULTRAISA.ZIP Drivers for Ultrastor Controller Card for 32bit Access UMBDR521.ZIP UpperMem Device Driver UNDOCFCT.ZIP Print All Windows Undocumented Function Calls UNDOCWIN.ZIP Contribute to Undoc Windows Function Book UNICON14.ZIP Unicon: unit conversion app for length, area, mass,etc UNIVCOLR.ZIP MS Windows Ad for Win3 misc UPC12BAD.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b documents and sample files UPC12BAP.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b documents in PostScript format UPC12BAW.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b Word for Windows Document Source USWTHRWN.ZIP U.S. weather map shows average temps, rain,sun, etc VES12A.ZIP Statistics entry and reporting for softball [560k] VT220KBD.ZIP VT220 keyboard mapping for ProComm+ for Windows WALLPAPR.TXT Keystrokes to get Win3 Authors Listed as Wallpaper misc WASP1_8.ZIP Procomm Plus for Win ASPECT language tutorial (.wri) WAVE_GEN.ZIP Generates Trig & Custom Wave Forms for General Use WBD31A.ZIP Windows app to track and valuate Series EE bonds WCICACSV.ZIP Convert CICA Index files into comma separated file WCMACREF.TXT Windows Macro Statement Reference Guide WCMENG.ZIP World Cup Manager Version 2.0 WCRD201A.ZIP Organize Ballgame Cards and Track Their Values WFIT14.ZIP Non Weighted Linear Least Squares fitting program WFLISTEN.ZIP Temp disable WinFax auto-receive to run DOS comm pgm WFNSPACE.ZIP How to insert a space in WFNBOSS-gen'd font WFWPTP.ZIP Dial-in Access from remote PC (W4WG only) [336k] WFXCOMM.ZIP WinFAX PRO 3.0 comm driver March 31,93 WILREF11.ZIP WinInterfcLang Technical Reference - 1.1 Documentation WIN3.BUG Discussion of SmartDrive Bugs WIN31.ZIP WD Fastdisk driver, version 2.5 [328k] WIN3_NFS.ZIP Run Windows with PC-NFS WIN3_UAE.ZIP MicroSoft Document on Unrecoverable App Errors WIN87EM.ZIP MSWindows Floating Point Coprocessor/Emulator Library WINADV.ZIP S.Gibson's Benchmarks on ISA/VESA LB Win Accel Cards WINCAT34.ZIP WinCat/PRO 3.4 Disk and CDROM Catalog [468k] WINCHAMP.ZIP Permet de suivre tous les championnats D1 , D2 ou dist WINDSKHC.ZIP Windows 3.1 FastDisk Drivers with HardCard WINFIT11.ZIP Non Linear Least Square fitting prgm - Levenberg-Marq WINFLY.ZIP Track your frequent flyer miles in Windows WINFREQ.ASK Freq Asked Questions About Win3 (from comp.windows.ms) WINJDIC.ZIP Japanese Dictionary for Windows (WinJDIC) WINLIE10.ZIP Library (books) Manager for Windows ver. 1.0e WINMAP.ZIP WINMAP calculate and map german road-routes WINMED_1.ZIP Analyze human illness and disease (1 of 3) [953k] WINMED_2.ZIP Analyze human illness and disease (2 of 3) [885k] WINMED_3.ZIP Analyze human illness and disease (3 of 3) [575k] WINSTACK.ZOO Help format db of Naturist/Nudist clubs/resorts in USA WINSTORM.ZIP Windows storm/hurricane viewer WINTOSH.ZIP Toshiba T2000SX Windows Control Panel WINTYPE.ZIP v0.9.x of Windows Typing Speed Test System [beta] 479k WINVIBES.ZIP Display modes of vibrations for molecules WJ_4.ZIP THE WINDOWS JOURNAL - Vol. 1, No. 4 WL4UPDAT.ZIP Windows Latin Tutor v4.1a [536kb] WLATIN42.ZIP Lingua Latina for Windows ver 4.2 WNBRAG.ZIP Change Windows Opening Screen WOLR69.ZIP Windows Online Review magazine in Win 3.1 help format WOLR75.ZIP On-line Review, Shareware edition, #75 WOLR81.ZIP WinOnLine Review, Shareware edition, #81 WOLRS35.ZIP Windows On-line Shareware Review #35 WOLRS36.ZIP WinOnLine Review SHAREWARE EDITION #36 WOLRS42.ZIP Windows On-Line Review, Shareware edition, #42 WOLRS43.ZIP Windows On-Line Review, Shareware edition, #43 WOLS37.ZIP Windows On-line Shareware Review #37 WOLW39.ZIP Windows OnLine Newsletter 39 WOLW40.ZIP Windows OnLine Newsletter 40 WOLW43.ZIP Windows OnLine Newsletter 43 WORMHOLE.ZIP Computer Animated Screens Generator for Excalibur BBS WPROT100.ZIP Windows un-installer, German version WRK_DOC.ZIP Win Resource Kit: Approx 550 pages of tech info WS052.ZIP Display/handle/analyze time-of-flight spectra [576k] WSIM21.ZIP Simtel/CICA and others index search program WSISA301.ZIP Level 3 diags for IBM MWave WindSurfer crd 1/3 [1.08mb] WSISA302.ZIP Level 3 diags for IBM MWave WindSurfer crd 2/3 [694k] WSISA303.ZIP Level 3 diags for IBM MWave WindSurfer crd 3/3 [838k] WTP2.ZIP Windows 3.1 Book, Study of Democracy WW0323T.ZIP Microsoft's updated network documentation (11-27-90) WW0335.ZIP MS App Note: Memory Management with Windows3.1 WW0524.ZIP MS App Note: Troubleshooting GP Faults (UAEs) Win3.1 WW0525.ZIP MS App Note: T-shooting 386 Enhanced Mode Probs (w3.1) WW0526.ZIP MS App Note: T-shooting Win3.1 Setup WW0527.ZIP MS App Note: New Features in Windows 3.1 WW0528.ZIP MS App Note: Fonts in Windows 3.1 WW0530.ZIP MS App Note: SMARTDrive and 32-Bit Disk Access (3.1) WW0532.ZIP MS App Note: Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) X10MSW30.ZIP Windows home automation app for X10 devices via CP-290 X10SCH.ZIP Schedlr for X10 CP290 Home Automation IF Unit [1.26mb] YOUR_BBS.ZIP The AdScreen for your BBS (Excalibur) ZSHARE01.ZIP V1N1 of the ZiffNet Monthly Shareware Review (.HLP)